
M3Symposium Presenter

Large-Scale, Nationwide Connections

Take your business-to-business collaboration to the next level.

M3Symposium is the most comprehensive of the M3Linked professional events. This experience brings entrepreneurs and business leaders from different industries and backgrounds together and gives every participant an opportunity to connect and learn successful practices.

What to

The M3Linked Experience


A remarkable opportunity to present your company – and its value proposition – to hundreds of fellow entrepreneurs, investors, CEOs, inventors and celebrities from across the country.

Every M3Symposium is an inspiring, engaging, and interactive production from start to finish, with surprises and major announcements infused throughout the program. Only those with presenter seats deliver their unique 60-second M3 – sharing what they’ve Mastered, their personal Mission, and how they are best Motivated. Our M3Symposium includes M3Linked signature pre- and post-sessions where the collaborative “magic” happens, long-term connections are made and professional lives are changed.

Featured presenters include founders and leaders from well-known companies, celebrities, entertainers, politicians, and professional athletes. These experts take time to connect with attendees and find areas of alignment.

M3Symposium breakouts provide the opportunity for participants to link up and build relationships with other business leaders and entrepreneurs nationwide - and an exclusive chance to connect, energize and grow together.